Tulsa Junior College, Dr. Dean VanTrease and Channel 8 News on the Opening of West Campus Interview, date unknown, No. 1

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A recording of Dr. Dean VanTrease and reporter D.C. Roberts from Channel 8 News covering the opening of West Campus in the mid-1990s. Dr. Dean VanTrease was the second President and first Vice President of Tulsa Junior College.





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Clip 1

[woman] It is 6:52 and 67 degrees.

[man]Well this morning we’re learning it's never too late to go back school and you know if you haven’t been by some of the local community colleges especially with D.C. is In west Tulsa you're missing out because it’s beautiful over there.

[D.C.]It is beautiful. This is a great campus. We’re at TCC West and we are going to talk a lot about the campus but I want to talk a little bit about some fun facts that you may not know. Did you know that eighty percent of employers require ongoing training and ninety six percent of employers rate community college education as either excellent or good? So you can see the importance right there of community colleges. Now I have Dr. Dean VanTrease with me. Hello.

[VanTrease]Hello, good morning, D.C.
-You’re the guy that runs the whole place, the president.
-Well I don’t know who runs…haha, but I am the president.
-We’ll give you that title anyway, but tell us a little bit about the history of this because you guys have been here a long time.
-We’re in our thirty-first year, we were the first public college in fifty years in Oklahoma higher education and we now have four campuses, a conference center. We just signed a major articulation with OSU-Tulsa. We’ll be offering the freshman/sophomore courses for them. We’re doing something similar in the future with Northeastern State in Broken Arrow. We’re doing a lot of partnering for the first two years of college. We’re doing a lot with business right now we’re excited about what we’re doing in I.T./Telecommunications in a lot of the areas. Early, early on today I know that you had our Performing arts areas and child development. We’re doing a lot of different things for this community. People come here, by the way, all people ask “Why? Why do people come?”. We’re convenient, we have a wide variety of programs, and we’re relatively inexpensive to attend.
–And the other thing these guys have really started doing which is amazing is we can actually go to school online. We never have to go to the classroom, do we?
-It’s the hardest thing we’re doing right now. Two years ago we had two courses online, now we have well over one hundred maybe a hundred and fifty. We’ve gone from forty-two enrollments to over twenty-two hundred enrollments online.
–Gee, I’d say that’s popular.
–Oh it is popular, and it’s what people want. They want any place any time learning and it’s great.

–Well Dr. VanTrease thank you so much, it’s a fabulous facility and Terry and Frank, need to let you know if anyone wants to get some enrollment information for summer, you can come down to any TCC location and get it or as Dr. VanTrease said get online they’ve got it all right there for you.
–Boy classes online.

–Isn’t that great?!
–What a time saver!
–Love that!

–Thanks, D.C., and if you would like to check out Tulsa Community College any one of their campuses, the phone number is 595-7834 or you could log on to tulsa.cc.ok.us.

–Alright, let’s check out that weather.

Clip 2

[Rick Wells]–Welcome back to the program. Eight minutes now until eight o’clock. Now if you’re looking for a way to keep your kids busy this summer while providing them with some great learning experience, maybe the Tulsa Community College folks can help you. Joining us this morning to talk about college for kids and teens Dr. Cheryl Turman. Good morning to you.
[Dr. Cheryl Turman]–Good morning, thanks for having us.
–You’re the director of Continuing Education.
–Yes sir.
–That could continue right on through til forever.
–That’s right, we have programs for all ages.
–But I’m, you know just listening to you during the break tell me about some of the things in particularly, well let’s start with the 3 year olds because that’s really a great opportunity for parents to learn how to get their kids acquainted with computers and everybody learns together.
–Yes we have a program called Computer Camp for Kids and it starts for ages 3 to 5 and on up. Mom or dad or grandparents some adult and a child can sit together in front of the computer and learn about all kinds of software. One class is called Preview and Play so parents can work on the computer with their children, if they like the software they go home and buy it later.
–Well, and you find what your child responds to and what’s easy for you as well, and learn how to use that stuff to help them learn. That’s really terrific. Computers are neat if you use them the right way I think.
–It’s great.
–But it continues from those 3 year olds right on the…
–Right, we have college for kids which is enrichment programs in the summer in all areas: science, math, languages, arts and crafts. We have programs on Friday. A new program called Friday Explorers with trips to various sites in Oklahoma. We’re going to the Red Earth festival the first part of June, and to the Sam Noble museum is two of the trips.
–It’s like a day trip?
–Day trips.
-Leave early in the morning or something like that?
–For ages 8 and up. We’ve got charter busses to take us. We have a week long theater camp for children.
–That sounds like fun.
–It’s going to be great in our Performing Arts Center, so we’re very excited to learn about make-up, about acting, about costume design, stage set-up.
–Well and what goes on backstage because I think part of the magic is that you don’t know what goes on, but you’re always curious. It’s like magicians doing tricks you know? You don’t want to know how to do it but you’d really kind of like to know how to do it.
–And all of those things, what I guess begin at the end of school and right on through the summer?
–Our classes begin June 4th and throughout the summer. We have an aviation career program for high school students.
–That takes place at Tulsa Technology at the airport campus. There’s one session in June and one in July.
–This is what community colleges are really supposed to be doing. I mean this is the mission of a community college.
–It sure is.
–It’s to educate everybody and help us make our community better and make ourselves better in the process.
–Well you’re exactly right and what we hope is that the children that come now will come back later and take critical classes and we have found that they have done that to a great extent and the community college is not a place that they’re afraid of if they’ve been there when they’re younger.
–Well it sounds so…I mean they’re everywhere. I mean you drive down highway 169 and you see that big campus where the Performing Arts Center is and you think whoo and you see all those cars and it’s a little bit intimidating but if you get them started early then they become used to it and it’s just like a second home.
–Now when does it all start and how do we get involved?
–Well we start on June 4th week. Classes begin at 9 o’clock in the morning and throughout the summer. And we have one telephone number that folks can call and make it easy to enroll and ask questions and get brochures. And we look forward to people coming out at every campus we have things going on.
–Yeah good, alright. And here’s the telephone number that you talked about. It’s 595-7766. I mean how easy is that? You don’t even have to write that one down. Or you can check them out on the web at www.tulsa.cc.ok.us and that’s what it looks like when you log on. You get the Tulsa Community College website and you can find your way to where you need to go and learn all about the classes that are offered and everything that’s going on.
–That’s correct.
–Good to see you.
–Thanks for having us.
–Thanks for coming in. That’s very, very exciting stuff. Alrighty, we’re on our way to…



Unknown, “Tulsa Junior College, Dr. Dean VanTrease and Channel 8 News on the Opening of West Campus Interview, date unknown, No. 1,” TulsaCC, accessed May 5, 2024, https://tulsacc.omeka.net/items/show/103.

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